EU Ups the Game on Equality for Travellers and Roma

Pavee Point welcomes today’s launch of the new EU Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion Participation of Travellers and Roma in the EU.

“This new EU Framework gives us a reality check on equality to date and pushes for real improvements in living conditions and participation,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director.

The new Framework focuses on making real progress in reducing inequalities and sets out clear targets to be achieved by EU member states, including Ireland, by 2030.

Modest Progress to Date

“This new Framework acknowledges that States have made very modest progress in achieving equality for Travellers and Roma in their National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategies (NTRIS) and that both EU institutions and EU countries need to bring about real improvements in  the living conditions and inclusion of Travellers and Roma,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point  Co Director.

This Framework signposts clearly the way forward and Pavee Point welcomes going beyond the current Framework’s priority concern with socio- economic integration to add a further three-pillar approach focusing on equality, inclusion and participation.

At today’s European Commission launch the UN Representative to the EU, Brigit Van Hout, underlined the duties of states regarding NTRIS and suggested they integrate their obligations under UN Conventions with NTRIS in order to eliminate the racism and many discriminations experienced by Travellers and Roma.

Indicators and Better Monitoring Needed

“This new Framework echoes much of what Pavee Point has been saying in our reports on NTRIS to the Roma Civil Monitor,” adds Ronnie Fay, Pavee Point Co Director. “It highlights the need for indicators, monitoring in National Strategies and has introduced a new monitoring process every two years from 2023.

“It names the importance of gathering data on ethnicity and for a mainstreaming approach with additional special measures as necessary. “

COVID Challenge Must be Included

“The new NTRIS, which must be submitted to the European Commission in 2021, needs to incorporate the current challenges of COVID and its differential implications for Travellers and Roma – otherwise pre-existing discriminations will be multiplied rather than reduced,” adds Ms. Fay.

“For real progress we need the Irish Government to get real on this issue,” said Mr. Collins, “We need political leadership and a whole of Government approach which we call for an immediate move to.”

Full Strategy Here

Framework Factsheet Here