We in Pavee Point salute today all who struggle everywhere to have their rights vindicated and those who work with and support them.

We particularly salute the Roma and Travellers throughout the world and symbolically join with their struggles for rights realisation.
As a human rights organisation committed to collective progress in rights realisation for all Travellers and Roma we know that this is a difficult road with many turns.
As the EU FRA Study we launched earlier this week illustrates the current picture here as well as elsewhere is grim. The experience is known, the analysis is done, implementation of conclusions and recommendations remains inadequate. Anti-Traveller and Roma racism needs to be named and addressed at every level.
Today we can also recall the progress that has been made, the initiatives including primary health care which make some difference, and salute all who made them possible and support them.
We look forward to continuing to work for a future where Roma and Traveller rights are respected and hope that this day next year progress in that direction will be evident.
Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre