Large Gatherings Not Acceptable

Pavee Point reacted, this morning, to media reports of #Travellers attending a large gathering following a wedding in Longford. In the Irish Independent, on RTE Morning Ireland and on Newstalk we said it’s not acceptable at this time for people to be getting involved in large gatherings. “We’re still in the middle of a global pandemic and there is no room for complacency,” said Martin Collins who said on Newstalk he was alarmed and concerned.

Ronnie Fay told RTÉ’s Morning Ireland that Pavee Point does not condone breaches of the guidelines and it is “unacceptable” to have large gatherings throughout the pandemic. She said that the spotlight focuses on large attendances at one event like a funeral or wedding and that stigmatises and vilifies the entire Traveller population. Ronnie also spoke about Travellers and #COVID19 vaccine and said the Traveller vaccine roll-out is at planning stage. You can listen back here at 1hr 45 mins and get background info at our website –