New Research on the experience of LGBTI+ Travellers and Roma

New research, commissioned by the National Action Group for LGBT+ Traveller and Roma Rights, shows that Travellers and Roma experience the same mental health issues as the general LGBTI+ population – but at a higher rate.

By far the most frequently reported negative experience was being verbally hurt – with just over 40% of participants who experienced some form of physical attack due to being LGBTI+.

Speakers at the launch of the research at Outhouse, Dublin on 14th of November.

Just over 70% found LGBTI+ friends to be a support while 9% found support from Traveller and Roma organisations and 7% from LGBT+ organisations.

The report recommends more LGBTI+ services targeted at Travellers and Roma and increased supports for families with more targeted actions from Traveller and Roma and LGBTI+ organisations also.

Main photo: Ann McDonnell, Winnie McDonnell, John Paul Collins and Mary Collins of Pavee Point at the research launch.