Ringfenced Funding for Travellers and Higher Education

Pavee Point welcomes new ringfenced funding of €300,000 as providing essential supports for Travellers for the transfer to and progression in higher education.

These supports were among key issues that we raised with the Minister Harris during the summer.

This fund also recognises the need to mitigate the way in which COVID19 has reinforced Traveller educational disadvantage. 

Work undertaken by Pavee Point during COVID19,  including a national educational forum, in conjunction with the National Traveller Women’s Forum has made it very clear that 1st and 2nd level education cannot be separated from the Traveller experience of marginalisation and discrimination within all levels of education.

In this context, the National Traveller Education Strategy prioritised in the Programme for Government is a key, urgent and essential initiative.

Full Press Release on Ringfenced Funding.