Statement on Marioara Rostas

Pavee Point Statement

Jan 24 2012

Marioara Rostas

Pavee Point would like to express deepest condolences to the family of Marioara Rostas.  The circumstances surrounding Marioara’s disappearance and death are extremely distressing.

This tragic situation highlights concerns about risks faced by members of Roma communities and in particular Roma women, in Ireland.  Roma women are a risk of exclusion and violence as Roma, as migrants and as women.

Many Roma in Ireland face discrimination, and lack of access to employment and services, which makes them particularly vulnerable.  A lack of English and literacy issues can be a major barrier to accessing key services, including employment, education, health, social welfare and accommodation. Furthermore, there are laws and policies that have a disproportionate impact on Roma and serve to marginalise Roma from the wider community.

The Government’s Joint Committee on European Affairs acknowledged this in 2009 and recommended a comprehensive review of legislation and policies in the area of social inclusion.[1]

Pavee Point recommends that laws and policies that have a disproportionate negative impact on Roma and other socially vulnerable groups should be amended as a matter of urgency.  Furthermore, Pavee Point recommends that the Government develops an inclusive, comprehensive National Traveller and Roma Integration Strategy.  All member states of the EU are required to have developed such integration strategies up to 2020.  Pavee Point strongly recommends that Ireland uses this as an opportunity to facilitate Roma inclusion in Irish society.

Pavee Point would also like to encourage members of Roma communities to access services that are available through the work of some agencies and non-government organisations.  We would encourage Roma to link in with Pavee Point, Crosscare and other organisations such as migrant organisations that can provide information and assistance in accessing supports and services.


[1] Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on European Affairs (2009) Eleventh Report on The position of Minority Groups in Europe – an examination of Roma policies in the European Union. Rapporteur: Senator Terry Leyden. Available at: Roma-in-EU.doc