Aboriginal Australian and Traveller Mental Health Webinar

Over 200 people tuned in for Pavee Point’s webinar on the impacts of racism on mental health delivered by Australian Professor at Deakin Univesity, Yin Paradies for World Mental Health Day on 8th October 2020.

Professor Paradies talked about the experience of Aboriginal Australians which echoes the experience of Irish Travellers. He said studies showed racism impacts more on mental health than physical health – but impacted on both.

Unpacking Traveller Mental Health – An Exhibition (2min16sec)

Aboriginal Australian and Traveller Mental Health – Addressing Racism and Discrimination Webinar 8th October 2020

Introduction to the Webinar with an overview of Traveller mental health (9 mins)

Presentation by Professor Yin Paradies, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia on Aboriginal Australian mental health (23 mins)

Question and Answer session facilitated by Brigid Quirke, Pavee Point (12 mins)

HSE and NGO responses and Concluding Remarks (17 mins)