Change in Traveller Health Has to Happen – Missie Collins

Mr. Jim Walsh, Dept of Health told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Issues Affecting Traveller that Traveller Primary Healthcare Projects are a good model and should become part of health service delivery. “A lot of credit goes to Traveller Health Workers”, he said and the Dept would be happy to support the National Traveller Health […]

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Equality needed on End Poverty Day

Traveller Primary Health Care workers attended the End Poverty event at the Poverty Stone near the Customs House in Dublin. According to Census 2016 Travellers experience an 80% unemployment rate and other statistics show Travellers make up 9% of the homeless population. “We put our wishes for our children to have equal opportunities in education, […]

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Traveller Education Bill Passes Seanad

The Traveller History and Culture in Education Bill passed its final stage in Seanad Eireann and Education Minister Joe McHugh, TD will now bring the Bill forward to Dáil Eireann. “This is really important for equality in our society, “ said Pavee Point Co Director, Martin Collins, “Both Traveller students and students from the majority […]

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Our Letter to Senators – Vote for Traveller Education Bill!

Dear Senator Many Travellers say that the first time they are made to feel bad about their Traveller identity is when they go to school. Previously happy in their family environment – it is when we go into the wider environment that Traveller children realise that for some reason – it’s not always a positive thing […]

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Coming Out as an Ally

‘Coming Out as an Ally’ was an event to support Traveller and Roma LGBT+ community held on 10th October 2019 – National Coming Out Day. Individuals or organisations can register as an ally and show their support for Traveller and Roma LGBT+. Just contact Missie Collins and Bridgie Collins showed their support and said: […]

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Exhibition Launch for World Mental Health Day

The launch of ‘Unpacking Traveller Mental Health’ art exhibition was an inspiring event for World Mental Health Day. Through the Traveller Health Unit (THU) in the Eastern Region, ten Traveller Primary Health Care Projects drew on their experience working within the Traveller community to create 10 grub boxes packed with the stresses and strains that impact […]

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Traveller Input Key to Unlocking the Traveller Mental Health Crisis

Travellers hold the key to finding solutions when it comes to their own mental health – a new Traveller art exhibition on Traveller mental health shows. ‘Unpacking Traveller Mental Health’ is an exhibition developed by Traveller Primary Health Care projects in the Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit to highlight the stresses and strains that make up […]

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Unpacking Traveller Mental Health – Background

‘Unpacking Traveller Mental Health’ is an immersive and multi-sensory approach to highlight the various dimensions that impact on Travellers’ mental health. The Process Drawing on the work from Syrian-born artist and architect Mohamad Hafez in his exhibition ‘Unpacked: Refugee Baggage’, this event uses traditional Traveller ‘grub-boxes’ to explore the individual, social and structural dimensions that […]

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Traveller and Roma legal cases feature in FLAC report

Travellers and Roma featured significantly in the Annual Report 2018 of Free Legal Advice Centres, launched today by Justice & Equality Minister, Charlie Flanagan, TD. In launching the Report, Minister Flanagan acknowledged the particular needs of ethnic minorities, including Travellers and Roma, in accessing the justice system. In June 2018 FLAC launched its legal clinic […]

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Targeted measures needed in tackling Traveller unemployment

Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection Regina Doherty, TD, recognised the need for targeted measures to tackle Traveller unemployment during a visit today to Pavee Point. Pavee Point urged the Minister to name Travellers and Roma as specific target groups in her Department’s forthcoming ‘Pathways to Work Strategy’ and Minister Doherty agreed that mainstream […]

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