Focus on Discrimination Against Roma in School Systems

Pavee Point’s Roma Programme highlighted key barriers to Roma education this week at a DCU webinar on empowering Roma in education. Jenny Liston Roma Programme Co Ordinator and Gabi Muntean, Roma Community Development Worker spoke about Racism and discrimination Experiences of poverty and poor living conditions Educational disadvantage across many generations “Pavee Point believes firmly […]

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New Study Says Home Care for Older Travellers a Fundamental Right

Home support services must be considered a fundamental right for older Traveller and older homeless people a new study by NUI Galway’s Irish Centre for Social Gerontology’s (ICSG) concludes. The study aimed to centralise the lived experiences of these older populations in the development of flexible and equitable care for positive health and ageing. Highlighting […]

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COVID highlights need for collaborative work

The COVID19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities for Travellers and Roma – but has also created opportunities to address inequalities – Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre reported to a meeting of  European ngos hosted by the Fundamental Rights Platform this week. Ronnie Fay, Pavee Point Co Director spoke at the meeting “Human rights work in challenging […]

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