Stop evictions of Roma and Travellers – Say Six International Organisations.

Traditionally, summer holidays coincide with the eviction of Roma and Travellers throughout Europe, which takes place almost unnoticed. This week six international organisations stress the human cost of evictions and recall standards in a joint statement. Throughout Europe, Roma and Travellers – particularly those living in informal settlements, slums or halting sites – now face […]

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Fold and Rise

Traveller women  took part today (June 29th) in a bread making workshop as part of a NWCI event.  Kneading and folding dough was used in the half-day workshop with Pavee Point’s  Traveller Community Health Workers as a metaphor for women’s work and to discuss a feminist perspective on the folding and unfolding of time.   The women […]

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US Vice President Supports Traveller Ethnicity

Tessa Collins of Pavee Point’s Violence Against Women Programme was a special invitee to meet US Vice President Joe Biden at an event in Dublin Castle Garden on June 24th    where he spoke to her of his support for Traveller ethnicity. Tessa was part of a group representing organisations working in the area of Domestic and Sexual […]

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Pavees out in force for Dublin Pride

Tens of thousands of people took part in the annual Pride parade in Dublin city centre June 25th to support the LGBTQ community and celebrate diversity. This year’s theme was ‘Rebel Rebel’ honouring the historic events of 1916 and a tribute to David Bowie. The parade was led by Max Krzyzanowski of LGBT Noise, which started at […]

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First Traveller graduates from innovative early education programme

Photo: Here 4 year old John Collins and 4 year old Cassie Marie McDonagh with L to R, Professor Jimmy Hill Vice President National College of Ireland, Geraldine McDonnell Home Visitor Pavee Point, Charlene Collins and Ann McDonnell Home Visitor Pavee Point. Photo by Derek Speirs Seven Traveller children graduated from the Parent Child Home Programme […]

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No more Traveller evictions says Oireachtas Homelessness Committee

Homelessness Committee proposals show Traveller accommodation is part of the homelessness crisis and displays a much needed positive approach to improving living conditions for Irish Travellers,  according to Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.  We are delighted the Committee echoes our calls for a moratorium on evictions, Traveller accommodation implementation mechanisms to include Travellers and […]

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Traveller Men’s Health Day

Over 200 Traveller men made their way to the Phoenix Park on 14th of June for health checks on Traveller Men’s Health Day, supported by the Eastern Regional Traveller Health Network and part of Men’s Health Week. Organisations such as the Irish Cancer Society, Pieta House, Headstrong, Jigsaw and the Marie Keating Foundation provided health information […]

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Council of Europe on Combatting Hate Speech

Pavee Point’s Roma Programme attended last week’s Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller Organisations in Strasbourg where there was a focus on combatting hate speech.   Mr. Rui Gomes of the Council of Europe Youth Department spoke about their ‘No Hate Speech Movement’ and Stefano Valenti of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance […]

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Traveller Men’s Health Day

To mark Men’s Health Week (Monday 13th – Sunday 19th June 2016), Ten Traveller Primary Health Care Projects in the Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit will host a Traveller men’s Health Day on the 14th of June in the Phoenix Park. Participants will be able to get their Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked. Health information will be […]

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Traveller Pride Awards 2016

There was a full house at this year’s Traveller Pride Awards at the Pillar Room, the Rotunda today (1st June)  as people travelled from all over the country to attend.  Two of the awards went to Cork, one to Kerry, two to Galway, one each to Clare and Meath and the MC for the event was […]

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