President Helps us Celebrate 30 Years

President Michael D. Higgins gave an inspiring speech at Pavee  Point today (18th November) at our 30th Anniversary celebration.  The President spoke with emotion about the discrimination and racism that Travellers experience  and recalled when Travellers were segregated in school classrooms and school yards. He said the recent Carrickmines fire tragedy raised important issues for […]

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Almost 5,500 sign up for Traveller agency

Almost 5,500 signed petitions calling for the establishment of a Traveller agency were delivered to the Government today (Nov 11th) by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre. Minister Aodhán O Riordáin, Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Arts received the petitions on behalf of the Government. Speaking at the handover Martin […]

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Lived Lives: A Pavee Perspective

Photo: Patrick Reilly, Pavee Point with John Connors and Helen Hutchinson at ‘Lived Lives: a Pavee Perspective “Suicide in Ireland is at epidemic proportions.  In the Traveller community it’s like a plague and seems to be infectious,” said John Connors Love/Hate actor and Traveller when he launched the exhibition ‘Lived Lives: A Pavee Perspective’ this […]

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Traveller Ethnicity Debated in Dáil Eireann

This week saw Traveller ethnicity debated for the first time in Dáil Eireann and gave rise to a passionate plea from Equality Minister Aodhán O Riordáin to move away from ‘focus group equality’ to stand by the truth.  “The truth is that the Travelling community in this State, in this Republic are a distinct ethnic […]

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Traveller Groups walk out of Accommodation Conference

Traveller Groups today (Nov 3rd) walked out of a Government conference in protest at lack of progress on Traveller accommodation.   The conference was organised for Local  Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committees (LTACCs) who said today they are being stonewalled in their work by local representatives who represent a racist agenda.  LTACCs were set up to […]

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