What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT?

What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT? “Although we are two barely educated Roma women living in quite bad conditions, we dared to ask to be recognised as a same-sex family and, when resettled, to be granted one social housing unit where we will be living together.”(Maria, 28, Serbia) You can read the life […]

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Youth Programme at Croagh Patrick

On July 21st and 22nd, the Pavee Point Youth Programme visited Croagh Patrick with a group of young men, aged 12 to 14. This valuable and rewarding experience allowed for the group to work collectively to achieve a common goal. The structure of the residential allowed for the developing of interpersonal skills, leadership skills as […]

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Relationship and Sexuality Education Toolkit

On 13th January the Youth Work programme delivered Relationship and Sexuality Education Toolkit training to organisations working with young Travellers. The participants attending were made up of Travellers and settled people working directly with young Travellers. The participants were representing four Traveller organisation across the country which were; Wicklow Traveller Programme Sligo Traveller Group Kilkenny […]

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