Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination against Roma women and Roma LGBT

Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination Against Roma Women and Roma LGBT Pavee Point attended a transnational workshop on discrimination against Roma and Travellers in Helsinki, Finland, on 2-3 December. Breaking the Barriers workshop brought together Roma and non-Roma civil society activists and local, regional and national authorities from all over Europe. The workshop presented good practice models […]

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Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statement July 24th, 2014   TIME FOR ACTION ON TRAVELLER AND ROMA EQUALITY   Pavee Point today welcomes the UN call for Ireland to take concrete steps to recognise Traveller ethnicity. Speaking today, Director Martin Collins stated “This follows similar recommendations in the past by human rights bodies […]

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Joint Oireachtas Committee Report on Traveller Ethnicity

Today, April 17th, the Joint Oirechtas Committee on Justice presented their Report on Traveller Ethnicity, which recommends the recognition of Travellers by the Taoiseach or Minister for Justice and Equality by way of a statement in Dáil Éireann. The Report also calls for the Government to notify international bodies about the recognition, and finally suggests […]

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PRESS STATEMENT: Our Ethnicity-Our Pride, Your prejudice

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statment April 17th 2014 ‘Our Ethnicity- Our Pride, Your Prejudice: Time for the State to end this cycle of ethnicity denial’ Pavee Point today welcomes the publication of a report on the recognition of Traveller Ethnicity by the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice. We call on the Minister […]

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PP calls on OSCE to promote Inclusion

Pavee Point attended the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting in Vienna in October.  The meeting, organized jointly by the Ukrainian 2013 OSCE Chairmanship and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), marked  the 10th anniversary of the Action Plan on Roma and Sinti inclusion and presented the ODIHR’s 2013 Status Report  on its […]

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