“In the older years I’m very proud to be a grandmother, and a great grandmother, and to pass some of the knowledge that I know about Travellers on to the younger generation as well. “I see a big difference. The young Traveller women years ago did not have nearly enough of what the young Travelling […]

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#16Days Action Against Domestic Violence

This year has been a tough year for many, especially those who experience domestic and sexual violence. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in domestic and sexual violence around the world and in Ireland. Safe Ireland’s report, “Tracking the Shadow Pandemic” found that 1,970 women and 411 children received support from […]

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Mind the Minders – World Mental Health Week

Traveller Community Health Workers work hard to keep us all in the Traveller Community safe and well. For World Mental Health Week we are highlighting that it’s important that our minders mind themselves. Pavee Point has produced a new leaflet with advice for the workers in 27 Traveller Primary Health Care Projects around the country.

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Safety Pocket Workshops raise awareness on ’emotional violence’

Over 30 Travellers attended workshops at Pavee Point today as part of the 16 Days of Action to stop domestic violence. The workshops entitled ‘The Safety Pocket’ were introduced by Traveller Community Development Worker Tessa Collins and Traveller Women’s Awareness Worker Bridgie Collins who spoke about the Domestic Violence Act 2018. This new law now […]

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Presentation to Bar Council

Tessa Collins, Senior Community Development Worker on the Violence against Women Programme, spoke at The Bar of Ireland’s Domestic Violence Conference on Friday 1 Nov. Tessa highlighted the barriers for Traveller and Roma women when seeking help, reporting and leaving a situation of domestic and sexual violence. She also took lawyers through experiences Traveller and Roma […]

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Change in Traveller Health Has to Happen – Missie Collins

Mr. Jim Walsh, Dept of Health told the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Issues Affecting Traveller that Traveller Primary Healthcare Projects are a good model and should become part of health service delivery. “A lot of credit goes to Traveller Health Workers”, he said and the Dept would be happy to support the National Traveller Health […]

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