Counting Us In- Human Rights Count!

Ethnic data collection within a human rights framework in Ireland What is the project? This project is part of an ongoing campaign for ethnic data collection within a human rights framework in Ireland by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre. This one year project funded by the Open Society Foundation, focuses on advocating for the […]

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Minister for Equality, Aodhan Ó Ríordáin presents Roma researchers with certificates as part of ground-breaking new research.

Minister for Equality, Aodhan Ó Ríordáin presents Roma researchers with certificates as part of ground-breaking new research Ahead of International Roma and Traveller day on 8th April, 20 members of the Roma community were today awarded with certificates by Minister Ó Ríordáin for completing research training in Pavee Point.  These researchers are part of a […]

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‘Make it Happen – Stop Violence against Women’

‘Make it Happen – Stop Violence against Women’ Sunday 8th of March marked International Women’s Day during which people across the world celebrate achievements and highlight gaps in women’s rights. Pavee Point delivered a thematic event to launch its International Women’s Day poster 2015 and engaged in a social media campaign to highlight violence against […]

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What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT?

What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT? “Although we are two barely educated Roma women living in quite bad conditions, we dared to ask to be recognised as a same-sex family and, when resettled, to be granted one social housing unit where we will be living together.”(Maria, 28, Serbia) You can read the life […]

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Public Sector Duty Seminar

Public Sector Duty A positive duty in mainstreaming equality and human rights on a statutory basis in Ireland   On February 10th, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre hosted a seminar on the introduction of a Positive Public Sector Duty for Ireland. The seminar was held in UNITE, the Union House and attended by over […]

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EXPECT RESPECT! Campaign to prevent violence against young Traveller women

EXPECT RESPECT! Campaign to prevent violence against young Traveller women Pavee Point engaged in a thematic 16 Days of Action Campaign, which aimed to raise awareness about violence affecting young girls and women and promote healthy relationships based on respect and equality. The campaign produced awareness raising EXPECT RESPECT! wristbands, and ran a social media […]

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Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination against Roma women and Roma LGBT

Breaking the Barriers- Discrimination Against Roma Women and Roma LGBT Pavee Point attended a transnational workshop on discrimination against Roma and Travellers in Helsinki, Finland, on 2-3 December. Breaking the Barriers workshop brought together Roma and non-Roma civil society activists and local, regional and national authorities from all over Europe. The workshop presented good practice models […]

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Ethnic Data Monitoring to Support Racial Equality

According to a Eurobarometer survey, over one in two Europeans believe that discrimination because of one’s racial or ethnic origin is widespread. However, there is no data available across Europe on how amny people experience this discrimination. Without measuring it, it is impossible to challenge it. The European Network Against Racism have launched a new report “Measure, […]

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Conducting a Participatory Local Needs Assessment

A thematic Roma Rights Forum was held in Pavee Point on 16 October.  This thematic session examined the process of undertaking local needs analyses through a discussion of principles and approaches to working with communities.  The following three areas were discussed: Human Rights Based Approaches – Fidelma Joyce, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. Including […]

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Realisation of Traveller and Roma Womens’ Rights

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre and The Centre for Global Women’s Studies (National University of Ireland, Galway) hosted a discussion of Traveller and Romani women’s rights in Pavee Point on 22 Oct.  We were delighted to welcome Crina Morteanu, a feminist activist and Rosaleen McDonagh, Traveller Playwright, to discuss Traveller and Romani women’s rights […]

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Pavee Point Press Statement 26 Oct 2014   Mob Violence Has No Place in Ireland Pavee Point strongly condemns any actions to intimidate and promote violence against Roma in Waterford.  This follows the publication of multiple Facebook pages which openly incite hatred against Roma, and reports of a public order incident on Saturday evening where […]

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Facebook Hate Speech Page Removed

A Facebook page called ‘Get Them Out of Town’ came to our attention on October 8th. The page had over 800 Likes and featured a number of racist and demeaning posts about the Roma population in Waterford, and users discussed vigilante violence against Roma on the page. This was not the first time that such […]

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Porajmos- The Forgotten Roma Genocide.

Porajmos, the forgotten Roma Genocide. Under the rule of Nazi Germany, the Roma were persecuted, detained and executed as part of the Holocaust. Roma call the Roma Genocide the Porajmos, which means the ‘Devouring’ in Romani language. There was segregated provision even in extermination camps. In the extermination camp at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, section Blle was […]

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Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statement July 24th, 2014   TIME FOR ACTION ON TRAVELLER AND ROMA EQUALITY   Pavee Point today welcomes the UN call for Ireland to take concrete steps to recognise Traveller ethnicity. Speaking today, Director Martin Collins stated “This follows similar recommendations in the past by human rights bodies […]

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Travellers Unrecognised Again at ICCPR Hearings

On July 14th and 15th, Pavee Point attended in Geneva for Ireland’s hearings before the 111th Session of the Human Rights Committee. Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald TD was in attendance with officials from Government departments to answer questions and make statements during the hearings. Pavee Point and other Traveller organisations have been advocating the […]

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Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statement July 1st 2014 Actions Speak Louder than Words: Government must plan and support Roma inclusion in Ireland   Pavee Point today welcomes the publication of the independent Special Inquiry by the Ombudsman for Children into the removal of two Roma children from their families in October 2013 and […]

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LGBTQ Traveller and Roma Poster

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, partnering with LGBT Pavee and BeLonG To Youth Services launched the first LGBTQ Traveller and Roma poster at the Office of the Ombudsman for Children on June 16th. The event was part of both Traveller Pride celebrations and Dublin Pride, which runs to the end of June. This project […]

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Submission on Universal Health Insurance

Pavee Point has submitted to the Department of Health on the topic of Universal Health Insurance, issuing a number of recommendations about Universal Health Insurance, equality of access to healthcare, equality proofing and the delivery of culturally appropriate health services. “Those with greater heath needs and poorer health status will be disproportionately affected by issues […]

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