Ombudsman for Children (OCO) Annual Report 2023 highlights the organisation’s ongoing interest in Traveller and Roma children’s rights

Today, the Ombudsman for Children (OCO) released its Annual Report 2023 “Uncertain Times”. Dr Niall Muldoon, head of the OCO, stated that there is a climate of “uncertainty and instability” for youth in Ireland. Commenting on the launch of the Annual Report and its findings, Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson of Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, […]

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“Traveller and Roma Employment is a key outstanding area and must be supported with a clear action plan and targets”

Martin Collins, Co-Director, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, speaking about the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) conference ‘Achieving Equality at Work: Promoting Socio-Economic Equality in Employment’ Today, Thursday 9th May 2024, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) held a conference ‘Achieving Equality at Work: Promoting Socio-Economic Equality in Employment’ with […]

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Report acknowledges racism in prison system

Pavee Point was delighted to feed into this report by the Irish Penal Reform Trust. Speaking at the launch Pavee Point’s Nuala Kelly welcomed recommendations on the need for antiracism in penal system, to address institutional racism and professional development for staff. Ms. Kelly also highlighted the need for more data on ethnicity and commended […]

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Solidarity with Marginalised and Minority Peoples at COP26 a Must

As COP26 begins in Glasgow, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre stands in solidarity with marginalised and minority peoples and communities globally experiencing the differential effects and impact of climate change.  And we stand with civil society organisations globally campaigning for climate justice. Pavee Point calls on Minister Eamon Ryan,TD,  heading the Irish delegation to COP26, […]

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International Roma Day message from President Michael D. Higgins

The first World Romani Congress was held in London on 8th of April, 1971. It was the beginning of a European movement to lobby against the inequalities faced by Roma and Travellers. President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins 50 years later sends a message of solidarity to all Travellers and Roma. President Higgins makes the […]

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New Study Says Home Care for Older Travellers a Fundamental Right

Home support services must be considered a fundamental right for older Traveller and older homeless people a new study by NUI Galway’s Irish Centre for Social Gerontology’s (ICSG) concludes. The study aimed to centralise the lived experiences of these older populations in the development of flexible and equitable care for positive health and ageing. Highlighting […]

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

Gabi Muntean of Pavee Point’s Roma Programme spoke this week at the Holocaust Memorial Day event organised by the Holocaust Education Trust. The event was a live streamed and contained a mix of live and pre-recorded material recalling the atrocities of the Holocaust. Gabi spoke of the ghettoes of Jews, Roma, Communists and Homosexuals that […]

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Welcome for progress on new hate crime and hate speech laws

Pavee Point Traveller and  Roma Centre welcomes today’s launch, by the Department of Justice, of consultation findings in relation to hate crime and hate speech in Ireland and the announcement there will be new laws early next year. “We have been saying for a long time that there is a need for new laws that […]

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EU Ups the Game on Equality for Travellers and Roma

Pavee Point welcomes today’s launch of the new EU Strategic Framework for Equality, Inclusion Participation of Travellers and Roma in the EU. “This new EU Framework gives us a reality check on equality to date and pushes for real improvements in living conditions and participation,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director. The new Framework […]

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Complaint lodged against Channel 4 in relation to Dispatches Programme

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre today lodged an official complaint with OFCOM, the UK Broadcast regulator in relation to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme which was broadcast on 16th of April. Our complaint outlines the reasons why this programme is irresponsible, discriminatory against Travellers and promotes negative stereotypes that feed into hate speech and possibly […]

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Report Card 2020

The Irish Government was awarded a ‘D’ in terms of Traveller and Roma Children in Report Card 2020. As members of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA), Pavee Point echos the CRA call for the recommendations of the Independent Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation to be implemented Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance – “The […]

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Pobal CEO visits Pavee Point

Pavee Point was delighted to welcome Anna Shakespeare, recently appointed CEO of Pobal, on an info sharing visit this week. Programme workers were able to highlight to Ms. Shakespeare the important work they do and also what needs to come on stream to improve Traveller inclusion. Pobal works on behalf of Government to support communities […]

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Pavee Point General Election Asks 2020

Detailed Manifesto Below 1. Implementation of the National Traveller Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS) 2017-2021 To strengthen the existing implementation and monitoring of the NTRIS by adopting clear targets, indicators, outcomes, timeframes and budget lines for the Strategy. To ensure NTRIS actions are adequately resourced by all Government Departments involved, including but not only by the […]

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Make racists feel uncomfortable – Ireland told

Ireland was urged to abide by  its international commitments and take all steps to make racists feel uncomfortable at the close of hearings by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in Geneva (CERD). CERD Committee Member and Country Rapporteur for Ireland Verene Shepherd made the call following two days of hearings by on actions […]

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Public Sector Duty Training with IHREC

This week, Pa Reilly and Gabi Muntean from Pavee Point delivered a session to the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection staff, focusing on preventing discrimination and promoting equality. This informative session aimed to address important issues related to employee turnover, as part of the broader training on Public Sector Equality and Human Rights […]

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